unCAPTCHA is a parody on Google's reCAPTCHA that seeks to verify bots and AIs instead of humans.

you can embed it into your website with the documentation provided below

Guess you're not a Robot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



unCAPTCHA can be seamlessly integrated into your web application. It provides an easy-to-use interface and can be switched between dark mode and light mode dynamically using the postMessage API.

Getting Started

1. Include the unCAPTCHA iframe:

Add the following HTML code to your webpage where you want the unCAPTCHA to appear.

<iframe id="unCAPTCHA" src="https://yurithedragon.neocities.org/uncaptcha/unCAPTCHA.html" width="272px" height="67px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

2. Include the unCAPTCHA script:

Add the following JavaScript code to your webpage, preferably in the <head> section.

<script defer>
    var unCAPTCHAtheme = document.getElementById('unCAPTCHA');

Dark Mode and Light Mode

You can toggle between dark mode and light mode using the postMessage API. The unCAPTCHA iframe will respond to these messages to switch its theme dynamically.

Dark Mode

unCAPTCHAtheme.contentWindow.postMessage('setDark', '*');

Light Mode

unCAPTCHAtheme.contentWindow.postMessage('setLight', '*');

Captcha Completion Event

Listen for the captchaFinished event using the window.addEventListener method. This event is triggered when the user successfully completes the captcha.

Important Notice

There is no actual bot detection
this will not keep your project free from bots
unCAPTCHA is just meant to be a joke

'message', function (event) {
    if (event.data === 'captchaFinished') {
    // Execute your custom function when the captcha is successfully completed

Example Usage

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      <title>Your Webpage</title>
      <script defer>
        var unCAPTCHAtheme = document.getElementById('unCAPTCHA');
      <iframe id="unCAPTCHA" src="https://yurithedragon.neocities.org/uncaptcha/unCAPTCHA.html" width="272px" height="67px" frameborder="0"></iframe>
        window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
          if (event.data === 'captchaFinished') {
            // Execute your custom function when the captcha is successfully completed